As future educators, we can become discouraged and believe that our influence is limited. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Teachers are making a significant difference in the lives of all students. Each student presents a unique teaching and learning opportunity. Despite the constraints, it’s encouraging to know that effective teaching is knowing each student’s “current” place on the progression of learning and moving them forward from there.  As I prepare for my future, I realize that I need to have an understanding of the high levels of diversity in our schools. As a North Carolina Teaching Fellow, I will graduate from NC State University with the knowledge and skills necessary for working with students from different racial, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as students with varying abilities. I am committed to gaining as much information as I can during my pre-service training so that I will be successful with all of my students in one way or another.  I believe every student should have access to an effective and dedicated teacher who facilitates learning with cutting-edge technology, and well-regarded learning resources. This is a basic right for our students, and we, as educators, have a responsibility to protect it. My determination to fight for equity in school will be evident to my students, their families, and my colleagues.   

When I think about the powerful impact that a teacher can make, I am reminded that relationships are key.  In a compilation of student responses posted on the Kids Hope USA website, it is obvious that these students know their teachers care about them as an individual and want them to be successful in school and life.  Just take a look at the comments posted in 20 ReasonKids Hope USA websites Teachers are GREAT publications.  


Nancy Barile’s article “5 Reasons to Love Teaching” is an additional “pick me up” when I get overwhelmed and need to be reminded of the great work teachers do!  My favorite reason in her list is number 5:  Providing Opportunity and Changing Lives.  She references teachers as those who can “empower students to become global citizens, to take a stand and let their voices be heard.”   If every student feels empowered and are encouraged by caring adults to succeed, we have the potential of seeing equity in education become a holistic reality for all.  I cannot think of another career that can be as rewarding as that of an educator.  When my opportunity to succeed as a teacher is afforded to me, I will take it seriously and work every day to be the best teacher I can be!